Sunday, May 9, 2010

Today finally went to see the die da yi shen for my sprained left ankle.. sprained it unknowingly like on tuesday night after run with Shirley.. but didn't even knew I actually sprained it until after dessert when I stood up..>.< then thought was just muscle cramp or something.. mum helped me massage for 3 days but still not getting better.. so think so check better..

Lol.. i thought it would be so painful.. but ended up not pain at all.. the physician only cracked my ankle 3 times on the 3 different positions.. =) actually told the counter that I wanted to see the old physician Dr Siah.. but in e end she gave me his son.. but ok la.. =)

yay.. so happy cos not as pain as the previous days.. it was torture before man!! >.< especially thursday's paper when i needed to walk so long and far to school.. it was so painful till I needed to buy painkillers.. bought the ankle support like also no use..

Anyway!!! exams are OVER!! FINALLY!! =D yay!! wanna spend this long holiday to catch up with friends!! go out go overseas!! co!! haha.. hopefully more gigs!!

still havent heard from raymond yet.. hope he is doing fine ba.. hai..

ok.. hmm.. so after exams on thurs, went to meet william for had a nice catching up with him..he emo! =X opps. then after that went to meet ZhiQian for beer..he's like my beer khaki la.. =) missed drinking..

Friday went to have lunch with my SE3221 group members.. we went to Ion B3 chinese restaurant.. the Asian Kitchen i think.. ate duck! my fav!! =) hee... it feels good to meet up with group mates after school term.. my first gathering with project mates actually.. previous semester had another group.. but then in the end..*DANG* and my bluetooth headset is still with the guy.. but nvm.. dun need it..

After that went to meet mum, ah mei and jason for movie for mother's day cos mum likes kungfu movies! me too! treated them to IP MAN 2. super duper AWESOME!! =) 5* man! fun! after that went to City Square Mall to have dinner together.. went to the Chinese Restaurant to eat. super nice! Jason treated us 80% and i treated 20% lol.. cos movie i paid ma.. =)) after that went to walk around and treated mum n mei to yoghurt! jason went home after dinner...

Today after returning home from the clinic, was going to bathe.. then realised have to tie plastic bag around my foot cos my foot needs to be wrapped for 2 days..hai..then the plastic bag fail lor.. in e end my bandage got wet! and then the herb like came out.. so yellow..hai.. used hair dryer to dry it.. then went to buy bandage to wrap another layer so wont look disgusting.

Went to meet ah jie rachel and her maid at city hall..with mum and ah mei.. then we went to TCC for tea..=) heehee.. then went to walk around at Sun Tec..Rachel's so cute la! haha!

After that went to meet yew ying at bugis.. we watched Animal Farm at the NLB Theatre Centre.. =) the play was good! my 3rd time watching a theatre play this year.. i think theatre's really interesting! hope to design more music and sound for theatre next time! Cos' i dont think i can act as well yet.. =X

had fun watching play and having dinner with him.. he's still as lame as ever..=X haha! but nice la =)

so stressed now! I realised my overseas trip clash with SYCO practices! shld i go phuket or not? but i want to go! hai.. HK and Jarkata are confirmed alrdy!! oh man!! why no weekend only? T_T

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