Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy Labour day! And Happy Birthday to my niece and Bee yan! =))

This morning went swimming with shirley!! was quite a rush.. didn't have time to chat with her.. =(( after that, went to ah jie's house for Rachel's 5th bday party.. =)) im so glad she loved the present i bought for her =D Bought her a doll!

then went to sim lim sq to buy ink cartridge =) still much cheaper than the original one.. bought compatible.. then before that Angie called n asked whether wanna go sentosa for dinner at 7pm.. lol.. so in e mean time, wanted to find a place to study.. but sian!! National Library was closed!! argh! so wanted to find a place cafe to sit down and revise my work.. but iluma's coffee bean was full..

so walked to bugis junction's starbucks.. luckily managed to find a place.. it was so warm outside.. and crowded inside! then needed to buy a drink so i was queuing up at the cashier.. then realised the queue was super slow.. and counter ppl not v efficient.. then an angmoh behind me started to suggest to the manager who was serving at the counter to let him know that they should do something about the flow of the queue cos he noticed it was going slow as well.. then the manager don't know is no EQ or didnt attend his customer service course.. started to misinterpret what the angmoh was saying.. and started to say something so sarcastic to the poor angmoh that he will take his order first since the angmoh seemed like he was in e rush. And the angmoh explained to the manager saying that no he was not.. but he was just suggesting to him.. but the manager still insisted to take his order first..despite having a few more ppl in front of the queue including myself.

Then the angmoh was really nice and reasonable and thought about us. Then he told the manager that why not he serve the front customers first cos' he's like indirectly cutting queue.. and u know wad the stupid manager said? he said that those ppl in front were not rushing for time so didnt need to take order first.. i was like what the freaking hell! Im sure the angmoh also felt the same way.. wth la! then i couldnt take it.. and purposely looked at the manager and told him my order.. to show him that what he said was a total rubbish..what we were not in a rush.. -.- lol.. don't know how he became the manager..

after that stayed there to study for a few hours before meeting the rest at vivo at 7pm =) hee went to universal to watch the fireworks and had dinner there.. it was fun.. =) but tired.. and guilty.. cos' i havent finished studying..haix.. tues and thurs paper.. the rest went to watch iron man 2.. think they must be in e cinema now.. lol.. =))

dear best friend.. hope you've safely reached taiwan.. gonna miss you for 1 month..


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