Saturday, January 5, 2013

New start for the new year :))

Dear Diary, Wa.. I realized I didnt blog for a whole year. I guess blogging has become outdated alrdy. How time flies, it's 2013 alrdy! Looking back on my 1 year of working life, I realized it has been an interesting journey for me. Did mainly dizi coaching in schools cca, performances, gigs, travelling to Beijing, Korea, JB. How i miss my holidays.. after returning from Korea, I feel like i've become lazier.. dont wish to think of work..

Working life is tough indeed.. Coming to the reality of life where we will face politics all around us, and the need to deal with them one by one. Working as a freelancer is really tiring. No opportunities n work means no money. So every month I will become a loanshark to chase people for my pay.. if i don't chase them, then it's either they forget or i will forget it. In return, some ppl misunderstood this as im being too sensitive in dealing with money or money-minded. But first, why shouldnt i be mindful of my well-deserving pay? Isn't it right for me to chase my pay when it has been delayed for more than a month? Hello, I need to support myself for a living. Ppl dun understand this and start to judge without understanding the situation. Ok, that's human nature i guess. we all judge others behind each other's back. Dont we?

Sometimes i feel really exhausted.. and lost.. having no sense of direction or clear path in life.. i feel like im living day by day waiting for opportunities to come in my way for me to grab it. I know i should start planning my future. Should i continue this music path? It's really contradicting for me sometimes.. but im really passionate and love what im doing now. I just hope i can get more opportunities to be more successful in life. I guess i need to work more on having a good social connection and relationship with ppl..

Recently met with a few unhappy incidents.. and got misunderstood by ppl as well. And home is such a mess with my poor grandma having to amputate her foot. :( I really hope everything will change for the better soon.

I also realized that I've grown n become more mature in thinking over this one yr after a bad incident with a ex-bff of mine. Thinking back, i laughed for my foolishness for the things i did in e past over him. Im glad it has all ended and ive moved on and let go. Seriously, it gives me goosebumps now. omg. totally a changed stranger walking in total opposite paths.

Haiz, i know i shouldnt be thinking of things that are impossible to happen. but sometimes cant help it but fantasize. my mum's friend said she dreamt of me marrying a professor. hahaha.. so funny. sometimes i think to myself, am i tt unattractive? or i guess maybe my time hasnt arrive yet.. so focus on other more impt stuff first joyce. i will meet a better man. ]

I miss korea.. i miss having a good time with my great friends.. though i dunno how long more will we be tt close until.. :(

but im also looking even forward to france on 17feb! yay! so happy! thank u God and Buddha :D

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I almost forgotten about my blog.. =.= too busy with other stuff le.. anyway this semester is my final sem before i officially graduate.. yay!! looking forward to more gigs, teaching dizi in schools and private time, freelance jobs... =D hope i will survive and do well for my this final semester so i can go enjoy! hope my 25 oct duet with SPCO will be a success as well and my best birthday gift ever! gonna have 4sets of performances on 3oct.. 2 at esplanade recital and 2 at esplanade concourse on the same day.. i think it'll be very tiring but then i know i will be able to handle it well! hope all my performances will be a success! that is my wish for this semester.. projects and essays killing me.. oh gosh why am i so lazy... brain cant function.. =(((

alright shall post more when i have the time..

so sayonara for now~

Monday, November 29, 2010

Hello! It's been ages since i last blogged.. today had my first TS paper and right after that I suddenly felt strange and began to think why did i choose TS as my major? i feel that i am so ignorant and theatre doesnt seem to be what i am really interested in.. for the rest of my school life, i have never read so many books until i came to uni.. and frankly speaking i really hate reading books.. cos' i dont seem to digest all of the materials.. i guess im better at practical stuffs.. but i guess uni is more of theory and lots of theories.. thinking how these theories will benefit me next time? should i change major to communications & new media instead? or just stick to it? im so scared that i will flunk my exams this semester.. hai.. why am i so stupid sia..=(


major playwrights especially.. going to die le la.. closed book one some more.. 8 plays to analyze.. open book exam i also like going to flunk le.. just copied everything from the notes.. dunno whether i copied blindly or not..

how can i learn to appreciate reading more?

i thought majoring in theatre studies should be fun.. but im struggling now.. T_T

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Yesterday went for Dizi lesson with Lin laoshi.. went thru my solo piece "Xiao Ba Lu Yong Chuang Feng Suo Xian" for SYCO 25july concert. Was quite sad on thursday syco combine prac cos' didnt go thru my piece..
=((( actually was supposed to go thru de but then ran out of time.. the other songs took much longer time to rehearse than Mr Quek said go thru on mon.. and only left 2 more practices Mon & Fri and 1 full run rehearsal on Sun concert day itself. Hopefully everything will go smoothly ba.. Lin laoshi taught me Wan Nian Hong also.. actually the piece quite simple and short too..perhaps i'll teach that to my student..

after lesson, went home to put down things first and then met yy at Bugis =)) we went to watch movie @ Iluma..=) dont know why this was the 3rd time in one week that we watch movie tgt le.. quite enjoy going out with him..heehee..=D Find that he is really hao hao xian shen.. nowadays very hard to find guys like him le ba.. Then after movie we went to have dinner tgt and chatted until 1145pm..and took bus home tgt.. actually the twins asked me to go clubbing at Zouk.. but very late le.. then didnt want to go alone too.. so didnt join them.=( but then hopefully can meet them again some time next week for a swim!

Anyway, pls come and support SYCO CONCERT- NEW PALETTE OF SOUNDS on 25 July Sun 8pm @ Spore Conference Hall! Standard sistic tickets @ $12.. but i can get discounted tickets @ $10 each.. THANKS! =)))

May my solo piece go smoothly! need to practice really hard le!!! ^^

going for vocal lesson n RP's bday party later! yay =))

Monday, June 28, 2010

It's been a long while since i last blogged.. been very busy lately.. went to HK on 10-14june.. and on that afternoon of 10june, took my 3rd driving test and i freakingly failed it cos' everything just went wrong and bad on that day.. T_T HK was ok.. but think most fun was still Disneyland and Ocean Park.. shopping wise not that great or maybe cos' my sis planned the wrong places to shop.. all the expensive shops like the ones in ION -.- but enjoyed the days spent with my niece.. had a bit of quarrel with my sis but everything ok liao..

Then when i came back, had ICO prac to prepare for jarkata perf.. then flew to Jarkata on the 18june.. and returned on 23june. =) Going to Indonesia was the best time of my life! Especially going with so many friends.. enjoyed the last free n easy day at Bali! We went to Jarkata for performance (it was a success!!^_^) then to Jogjarkata (to see Borobodor) and lastly to Bali.. it was fun.. been to many sight seeing places.. had to bear with the terrible coach bus like sauna inside.. >.< but also enjoyed seeing how the monkeys were so "cute" and also the people attracting to us to psycho was to buy their "cool" stuff.. Then even formed a family for our group.. had maid Maria (Kwuan Boon), Maria's Maid Jembulah (EkJun), Lao Ye (Yu Yao), 3 Wives (Da Fu Ren, Er Fu Ren (Sophy & Clara) and San Fu Ren (Kenny)) and 1 Dog (Derek), 2 Family friends (Ying Shiang and I) lol!! =D it was so fun being with them!! De Li, Kenny, Derek and Kwuan Boon were especially funny la!! Told us so many jokes!! Sok Mun's laughter was contagious too!! Really missed the whole trip!! =( Love the beach and waves!! =)

Next final stop will be to Phuket on 4-7july with SRSCO peeps! 8 of us! hopefully it will be as enjoyable too! will be going snorkelling! whaha! =) looking forward to it.. and hope can go there do SPA!! whaha.. but sad cos will be missing syco combine next monday.. actually wanted to go through my solo.. but think only left 2 more prac.. hai.. hope everything will be smooth n good! will prac harder!! =)

Im broke..spent too much during this holiday.. T_T

Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm so freaking tired!! just had SYCO annual concert on saturday. It was better than rehearsals i think so still not bad.. didnt ask any friends to watch.. hai.. but really hope they'll watch my july 25th solo performance =) after concert, went to meet raymond and his friends Daniel, LiYi, WanYi and XingEr for Kbox.. initially wanted to watch movie with raymond de but changed plans. Singing was fun =)) they're fun to be with too =D glad that they didnt mind me joining them..

getting irritated by something.. hai..

feel so stressed.. confused.. worried.. all sorts of bad i got so much to do but little time.. =(

today felt really uncomfortable..cos think only slept for 3hrs.. then had to wake up at 730am to go for ICO prac at Marine Parade CC.. till around 2plus 3.. freaking tired..then had lunch with them at Parkway Parade.. after that went home slept for 1.5hours..before going Regina's house for her 21st bday party with my sister =)) had fun playing games n catching up..

tmr teaching dizi, meeting, circuit driving and syco chalet..oh man!!! one whole day!!! can i tahan till tues morning w/o sleep? i guess i'll be like sleeping one whole afternoon on tues la..

so many things in my mind.. starting to think a lot.. lol.. hopefully tmr will be a good day..

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

hai.. T_T today's driving was horrible..and embarrassing /.\

went for ico prac after that.. only went thru 1 hr..-.- then after that went to mcD with xiangle, sumin and kwuan boon.=) had a great chat with them!! =)) kwuan boon told sumin and i a lot of face and beauty related tips!! =)) haha!! then went to buy the herbs for his recipe for face.. then after went to have dinner with him at Bugis =) nice chatting with him.hee..

after that syco prac.. tired..shagged..haix..