Monday, November 29, 2010

Hello! It's been ages since i last blogged.. today had my first TS paper and right after that I suddenly felt strange and began to think why did i choose TS as my major? i feel that i am so ignorant and theatre doesnt seem to be what i am really interested in.. for the rest of my school life, i have never read so many books until i came to uni.. and frankly speaking i really hate reading books.. cos' i dont seem to digest all of the materials.. i guess im better at practical stuffs.. but i guess uni is more of theory and lots of theories.. thinking how these theories will benefit me next time? should i change major to communications & new media instead? or just stick to it? im so scared that i will flunk my exams this semester.. hai.. why am i so stupid sia..=(


major playwrights especially.. going to die le la.. closed book one some more.. 8 plays to analyze.. open book exam i also like going to flunk le.. just copied everything from the notes.. dunno whether i copied blindly or not..

how can i learn to appreciate reading more?

i thought majoring in theatre studies should be fun.. but im struggling now.. T_T

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