Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm so freaking tired!! just had SYCO annual concert on saturday. It was better than rehearsals i think so still not bad.. didnt ask any friends to watch.. hai.. but really hope they'll watch my july 25th solo performance =) after concert, went to meet raymond and his friends Daniel, LiYi, WanYi and XingEr for Kbox.. initially wanted to watch movie with raymond de but changed plans. Singing was fun =)) they're fun to be with too =D glad that they didnt mind me joining them..

getting irritated by something.. hai..

feel so stressed.. confused.. worried.. all sorts of bad i got so much to do but little time.. =(

today felt really uncomfortable..cos think only slept for 3hrs.. then had to wake up at 730am to go for ICO prac at Marine Parade CC.. till around 2plus 3.. freaking tired..then had lunch with them at Parkway Parade.. after that went home slept for 1.5hours..before going Regina's house for her 21st bday party with my sister =)) had fun playing games n catching up..

tmr teaching dizi, meeting, circuit driving and syco chalet..oh man!!! one whole day!!! can i tahan till tues morning w/o sleep? i guess i'll be like sleeping one whole afternoon on tues la..

so many things in my mind.. starting to think a lot.. lol.. hopefully tmr will be a good day..

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