Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Yesterday was a happy day though tiring.. haha! first thing woke up saw my results.. and im happy that i've improved a little. But now my next aim is to hit 3.5 =) hee.. finally above 3 le and no C ^^ After that went to NAFA for prac for the Jarkata perf.. till 4pm.. tiring.. thought will go thru' my solo but didnt. then went to raffles meet shirley for salad and bit catch up..stomach was not feeling very well.hai.. then went to exchange HKD currency.. next thurs flying le! yay!!! then met michellebelle at tanjong pagar for subway dinner =) Daryl joined us..haha!! then had syco prac till 940pm.. tiring.. a new dizi guest player joined ting kai to play qudi..his name is jun cheng i think. didnt talk to him.. prob tonight will try..haha.

then after prac was so tiring.. whole body was like boiling >.< then supposed to meet Raymond for movie at AMK la.. but in e end changed plans cos last movie at 1030pm then too late le.. so met him at Hougang instead =) I was so touched and happy to receive his really thoughtful souvenir =') shall buy him lots when i go to the 3 countries!! so looking forward.. we chatted a lot a lot!!! till like 3am.. =) missed talking to him.. cos' it's so fun to chat with him.. don't know why everytime after chatting with him i feel assured again.. and abit angry with myself for not trusting him enough. =( but raymond's a really good guy =)) hope his back will recover soon.hai.. hear le xin tong man..poor thing =(( felt guilty for not being able to meet him on facebook or msn.. hai.. timing not zhun la!!

wanna watch movie with him soon!! whahahaha!!! =)))))

this whole week is tiring la!!! everyday co co co co co.. but co rocks la!! XD

hopefully ah mei and mum can join us to HK next thurs.. and my driving next thurs PLEASE PASS JOYCE!!!!!!

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