Monday, June 28, 2010

It's been a long while since i last blogged.. been very busy lately.. went to HK on 10-14june.. and on that afternoon of 10june, took my 3rd driving test and i freakingly failed it cos' everything just went wrong and bad on that day.. T_T HK was ok.. but think most fun was still Disneyland and Ocean Park.. shopping wise not that great or maybe cos' my sis planned the wrong places to shop.. all the expensive shops like the ones in ION -.- but enjoyed the days spent with my niece.. had a bit of quarrel with my sis but everything ok liao..

Then when i came back, had ICO prac to prepare for jarkata perf.. then flew to Jarkata on the 18june.. and returned on 23june. =) Going to Indonesia was the best time of my life! Especially going with so many friends.. enjoyed the last free n easy day at Bali! We went to Jarkata for performance (it was a success!!^_^) then to Jogjarkata (to see Borobodor) and lastly to Bali.. it was fun.. been to many sight seeing places.. had to bear with the terrible coach bus like sauna inside.. >.< but also enjoyed seeing how the monkeys were so "cute" and also the people attracting to us to psycho was to buy their "cool" stuff.. Then even formed a family for our group.. had maid Maria (Kwuan Boon), Maria's Maid Jembulah (EkJun), Lao Ye (Yu Yao), 3 Wives (Da Fu Ren, Er Fu Ren (Sophy & Clara) and San Fu Ren (Kenny)) and 1 Dog (Derek), 2 Family friends (Ying Shiang and I) lol!! =D it was so fun being with them!! De Li, Kenny, Derek and Kwuan Boon were especially funny la!! Told us so many jokes!! Sok Mun's laughter was contagious too!! Really missed the whole trip!! =( Love the beach and waves!! =)

Next final stop will be to Phuket on 4-7july with SRSCO peeps! 8 of us! hopefully it will be as enjoyable too! will be going snorkelling! whaha! =) looking forward to it.. and hope can go there do SPA!! whaha.. but sad cos will be missing syco combine next monday.. actually wanted to go through my solo.. but think only left 2 more prac.. hai.. hope everything will be smooth n good! will prac harder!! =)

Im broke..spent too much during this holiday.. T_T

Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm so freaking tired!! just had SYCO annual concert on saturday. It was better than rehearsals i think so still not bad.. didnt ask any friends to watch.. hai.. but really hope they'll watch my july 25th solo performance =) after concert, went to meet raymond and his friends Daniel, LiYi, WanYi and XingEr for Kbox.. initially wanted to watch movie with raymond de but changed plans. Singing was fun =)) they're fun to be with too =D glad that they didnt mind me joining them..

getting irritated by something.. hai..

feel so stressed.. confused.. worried.. all sorts of bad i got so much to do but little time.. =(

today felt really uncomfortable..cos think only slept for 3hrs.. then had to wake up at 730am to go for ICO prac at Marine Parade CC.. till around 2plus 3.. freaking tired..then had lunch with them at Parkway Parade.. after that went home slept for 1.5hours..before going Regina's house for her 21st bday party with my sister =)) had fun playing games n catching up..

tmr teaching dizi, meeting, circuit driving and syco chalet..oh man!!! one whole day!!! can i tahan till tues morning w/o sleep? i guess i'll be like sleeping one whole afternoon on tues la..

so many things in my mind.. starting to think a lot.. lol.. hopefully tmr will be a good day..

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

hai.. T_T today's driving was horrible..and embarrassing /.\

went for ico prac after that.. only went thru 1 hr..-.- then after that went to mcD with xiangle, sumin and kwuan boon.=) had a great chat with them!! =)) kwuan boon told sumin and i a lot of face and beauty related tips!! =)) haha!! then went to buy the herbs for his recipe for face.. then after went to have dinner with him at Bugis =) nice chatting with him.hee..

after that syco prac.. tired..shagged..haix..

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Yesterday was a happy day though tiring.. haha! first thing woke up saw my results.. and im happy that i've improved a little. But now my next aim is to hit 3.5 =) hee.. finally above 3 le and no C ^^ After that went to NAFA for prac for the Jarkata perf.. till 4pm.. tiring.. thought will go thru' my solo but didnt. then went to raffles meet shirley for salad and bit catch up..stomach was not feeling very well.hai.. then went to exchange HKD currency.. next thurs flying le! yay!!! then met michellebelle at tanjong pagar for subway dinner =) Daryl joined us..haha!! then had syco prac till 940pm.. tiring.. a new dizi guest player joined ting kai to play qudi..his name is jun cheng i think. didnt talk to him.. prob tonight will try..haha.

then after prac was so tiring.. whole body was like boiling >.< then supposed to meet Raymond for movie at AMK la.. but in e end changed plans cos last movie at 1030pm then too late le.. so met him at Hougang instead =) I was so touched and happy to receive his really thoughtful souvenir =') shall buy him lots when i go to the 3 countries!! so looking forward.. we chatted a lot a lot!!! till like 3am.. =) missed talking to him.. cos' it's so fun to chat with him.. don't know why everytime after chatting with him i feel assured again.. and abit angry with myself for not trusting him enough. =( but raymond's a really good guy =)) hope his back will recover soon.hai.. hear le xin tong man..poor thing =(( felt guilty for not being able to meet him on facebook or msn.. hai.. timing not zhun la!!

wanna watch movie with him soon!! whahahaha!!! =)))))

this whole week is tiring la!!! everyday co co co co co.. but co rocks la!! XD

hopefully ah mei and mum can join us to HK next thurs.. and my driving next thurs PLEASE PASS JOYCE!!!!!!