Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I almost forgotten about my blog.. =.= too busy with other stuff le.. anyway this semester is my final sem before i officially graduate.. yay!! looking forward to more gigs, teaching dizi in schools and private time, freelance jobs... =D hope i will survive and do well for my this final semester so i can go enjoy! hope my 25 oct duet with SPCO will be a success as well and my best birthday gift ever! gonna have 4sets of performances on 3oct.. 2 at esplanade recital and 2 at esplanade concourse on the same day.. i think it'll be very tiring but then i know i will be able to handle it well! hope all my performances will be a success! that is my wish for this semester.. projects and essays killing me.. oh gosh why am i so lazy... brain cant function.. =(((

alright shall post more when i have the time..

so sayonara for now~