Saturday, July 17, 2010

Yesterday went for Dizi lesson with Lin laoshi.. went thru my solo piece "Xiao Ba Lu Yong Chuang Feng Suo Xian" for SYCO 25july concert. Was quite sad on thursday syco combine prac cos' didnt go thru my piece..
=((( actually was supposed to go thru de but then ran out of time.. the other songs took much longer time to rehearse than Mr Quek said go thru on mon.. and only left 2 more practices Mon & Fri and 1 full run rehearsal on Sun concert day itself. Hopefully everything will go smoothly ba.. Lin laoshi taught me Wan Nian Hong also.. actually the piece quite simple and short too..perhaps i'll teach that to my student..

after lesson, went home to put down things first and then met yy at Bugis =)) we went to watch movie @ Iluma..=) dont know why this was the 3rd time in one week that we watch movie tgt le.. quite enjoy going out with him..heehee..=D Find that he is really hao hao xian shen.. nowadays very hard to find guys like him le ba.. Then after movie we went to have dinner tgt and chatted until 1145pm..and took bus home tgt.. actually the twins asked me to go clubbing at Zouk.. but very late le.. then didnt want to go alone too.. so didnt join them.=( but then hopefully can meet them again some time next week for a swim!

Anyway, pls come and support SYCO CONCERT- NEW PALETTE OF SOUNDS on 25 July Sun 8pm @ Spore Conference Hall! Standard sistic tickets @ $12.. but i can get discounted tickets @ $10 each.. THANKS! =)))

May my solo piece go smoothly! need to practice really hard le!!! ^^

going for vocal lesson n RP's bday party later! yay =))